Ipcop Hi, this is more an IPCOP related problem. I have running several IPCOPs, but never tried to get the agent running there. So I would be also interested, if you have build an zabbix agent for 1.4.10 with a static option. The way, how to allow such connection would be to add firewall rule on the IPCOP.

Bonjour, mon ipcop ca marche tres bien mais jai un probelme c'est ma connexion internet depuis mon ipcop un peut lente, et au temps je fait un ping continue , jai constate des copures de connexion internet je ne sait pas a cause de koi. pour mon IPCop is a Linux distribution which aims to provide a simple-to-manage firewall appliance based on PC hardware. IPCop is a Stateful firewall built on the Linux netfilter framework. Originally a fork of the SmoothWall Linux firewall, the projects are developed independently, and have now diverged significantly. setting up the different interfaces is much easier the IPCOP. Wireless works without an addon. 4. The one thing that is a pain in the ass is the firewall rules. They are much more complicated the IPCOP and I am still having to add new rules as I go. Half the time i don't even know how to add the rule in PFSENSE where IPCOP was simple to do. ipcop is a great platform, but it really needs to integrate copfilter into its base setup. but yes, ipcop and copfilter and a handfull of addons make ipcop a great device ive been using it for about 2 years now. and love it! This forum is for all copfilter version 2 support related questions in English. (IPCop version 2)

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www.ipcop.ru. Russian IPCop forum. Commercial Support. List of commercial sources for IPCop support: IPCop commercial support. Since this is a self listed service, there's no guarantee of the quality of support from any of the individuals or companies listed there. It is up to the consumer to perform the appropriate due diligence before [IPCop-user] IPCop Forum. From: Ken George - 2008-08-12 16:09:56. Does anyone know how to get in touch with the forum admins? I registered for an

Mar 25, 2006 · To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Results 1 to 10 of 10 Thread: IPCop + IPTables + Green + Blue

Mar 03, 2019 · IPFire has its roots in the IPCop project, which in itself was a fork of Smoothwall. Although since day one, IPFire has always done its own thing and it literally was a fork to pursue a different idea. After a decade and a half, there is not much that is left from IPCop apart from the basic design and the four colours of the network zones. IPCOP and pfSense are not really compareable. The underlaying system is completely different (linux/freebsd) and the featureset is as well. IPCOP also has a pretty different design attempt. pfSense can run from livecd with the config stored on a thumbdrive or floppy. Give it a try and judge for yourself. This article describes the various functionalities of a network-based firewall, besides taking readers through the installation and configuration of IPCop 2.0.6, especially from the perspective of a small and medium business. It also illustrates how a securely configured firewall ensures data security and mitigates various risks such as virus spread.