Sample Configuration for BGP with Two Different Service

Configuring two wireless routers with one SSID (network I used channels 11 and 6 for my two routers. Of course, you'll need an ethernet run going from a LAN port on your first router to a LAN port on your second router. In my case, each room has ethernet in the wall goingn to a gigabit switch. I pluged the second router into the wall from its LAN port and it worked. How to connect two routers on the same network - TechSpot Jan 18, 2017

RouterC(config-router)#version 2. RouterC(config-router)#network RouterC(config-router)#network RouterC(config-router)#no auto-summary. You can also manually configure routing summarization per interface. For example, you could specify on RouterC the summary address to use on its FE1 interface using the following

Jan 27, 2018

Setting Up - How To: One Internet connection - Two Private

Jul 25, 2011 Setting Up - How To: One Internet connection - Two Private Nov 12, 2003