Error in using cifsmount - Hewlett Packard Enterprise

NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System) was created in the early 1980's, but is surprisingly still alive and well on many networks today. Microsoft Windows still uses it for its name resolution function (often by default), when DNS is not available. Network resiliency and access to resources is a good thing, but keeping NetBIOS enabled Using nbtstat to Find a Computer Name - Online Computer Tips Sep 10, 2015 NetBios Lookup (DLL) - Browse Files at

Using nbtstat to Find a Computer Name - Online Computer Tips

c# - Resolve NetBIOS name on Windows 7 - Stack Overflow According to this link, NetBIOS is no longer supported starting from Windwos Vista.Sure enough, I can no longer see any NetBIOS name from the network properties. However, when I am writing codes on my Windows 7, I still encounter NetBIOS names in many places. Security risks: Netbios, port exposure & remote access Sep 26, 2019

Security risks: Netbios, port exposure & remote access

Troubleshooting NetBIOS - Networking - Spiceworks