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Accès VPN au réseau de l'UNIGE - Accueil — Intranet STIC L'infrastructure d'accès distant VPN (Virtual Private Network) de l'UNIGE vous permet, depuis le monde entier et sous certaines conditions, de vous connecter de manière sécurisée au réseau de l’UNIGE. Il vous est ainsi possible d'accéder à vos publications, vos périodiques en ligne, vos données et … Home - IT Service Catalog - UNIGE

Secure VPN connection to the university network. A VPN (virtual private network) connection provides encrypted, secure and authenticated access to the university network from remote locations (e.g. from your home). When your computer is connected via VPN, it is "virtually" integrated into the university network.

How to Upgrade - GlobalProtect Agent Upgrade Process May 15, 2020 L'infrastructure d'accès distant VPN de l'UNIGE vous permet, depuis le monde entier et sous certaines conditions, de vous connecter de manière sécurisée au réseau de l’UNIGE ainsi qu'à ses ressources. The VPN remote access infrastructure provides a secure connection to the UNIGE network and university resources from anywhere in the world (some conditions apply). Using the VPN, you can access your publications, online journals, personal data and documents, as well as most of the digital resources that are available to you when you are Per richiedere l'accesso alla Vpn ci sono due differenti procedure: Per docenti e tutto il personale afferente all'area dell'insegnamento, l'interessato deve compilare il modulo alla pagina seguente Per i tabs, il dirigente, il caposervizio o il caposettore deve fare richiesta, specificando i dati dell'interessato usando il modulo alla pagina